5 signs you have the “summer blues” 
5 signs you have the “summer blues”
Here’s why you may be feeling sad.
‘I might not be here today if I hadn’t had this screening’  Featured
‘I might not be here today if I hadn’t had this screening’
Because of her own experience, she now advocates for lung cancer screenings for others.
Can you get pregnant while pregnant?  Featured
Can you get pregnant while pregnant?
Learn about superfetation, a very rare condition.
Can the COVID-19 vaccine cause infertility?  Featured
Can the COVID-19 vaccine cause infertility?
A fertility specialist weighs in on recent concerns.
Pain during sex? Know when it’s time to see your doctor. 
Pain during sex? Know when it’s time to see your doctor.
Nearly 75% of women feel this during sex but shouldn’t.
Try eating this to strengthen your muscles  Featured
Try eating this to strengthen your muscles
Research suggests eating more of this may promote muscle function – independent from physical exercise.
The potentially deadly consequences of getting water up your nose 
The potentially deadly consequences of getting water up your nose
Dangerous organisms may be living in your nearby watering hole. Although rare, the “brain-eating amoeba” can be life-threatening.