So now video games can be good for kids? 
So now video games can be good for kids?
According to a study released this week, video games may just be good for kids, though only in small doses.
Men like nice women, but what do women want? 
Men like nice women, but what do women want?
New research shows men find responsive women more attractive, but that’s not always true with women.
Seniors at risk for financial exploitation by loved ones 
Seniors at risk for financial exploitation by loved ones
Learn more about this growing and troubling trend.
Your golf score may not be your only pain 
Your golf score may not be your only pain
Experts say that 15 to 20 percent of golfers each sustain some type of injury on the course.
Do driving-and-texting bans really work? 
Do driving-and-texting bans really work?
New research looks at whether or not states with strict cell phone laws have lower traffic fatalities.
Study shows fist bump may be safest greeting 
Study shows fist bump may be safest greeting
Though the handshake has been the polite greeting for centuries, new research shows why it may be wise to embrace the bump.
Can fish oil help treat heart disease? 
Can fish oil help treat heart disease?
A new study looks at how the oil can reduce cardiac events among high-risk patients.