Your ideal weight is . . . ? 
Your ideal weight is . . . ?
If you are trying to hit a magic number on the scale, you’re likely not focusing your energy in the right place. An expert explains.
Why do I have to pee so much at night? 
Why do I have to pee so much at night?
No one likes getting up at night to use the bathroom. But at what point does a mere annoyance become cause for alarm?
What’s the secret to slimming down? 
What’s the secret to slimming down?
An expert says adding these 10 slimming foods to your diet will help you reach your end goal.
What’s most likely to kill you? You may be surprised 
What’s most likely to kill you? You may be surprised
The CDC recently released a list of the five leading causes of death for Americans, which account for almost two-thirds of all fatalities.
Infographic: 5 drinks that can help you burn fat 
Infographic: 5 drinks that can help you burn fat
Did you know these beverages might be able to aid in your weight loss goals?
Want to lose weight? 5 tips to speed up your metabolism 
Want to lose weight? 5 tips to speed up your metabolism
Did you know the thermostat setting at night can affect your body’s production of some fats? Learn more from an expert.
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this 
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this
Lack of sleep can cause many short- and long-term health problems. One reason sleep eludes you could be relatively easy to fix.