Blog: What I have learned from persons with Down syndrome 
Blog: What I have learned from persons with Down syndrome
In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, a physician shares his experiences and life lessons from working with this extraordinary population.
Maple syrup and blueberries to prevent Alzheimer’s? 
Maple syrup and blueberries to prevent Alzheimer’s?
An expert weighs in on whether certain foods can delay the onset of dementia.
The average American diet is half junk 
The average American diet is half junk
Highly processed foods are causing more problems than just weight gain.
What are the leading causes of stress for Americans? 
What are the leading causes of stress for Americans?
New research reveals that discrimination, health and family responsibilities are increasing stress levels. Get the details.
Having a younger sibling may be good for your child’s health 
Having a younger sibling may be good for your child’s health
Children without a younger brother or sister by the time they reach first grade are three times more likely to be obese, new research suggests.
Breastfeeding may be good for mom’s heart 
Breastfeeding may be good for mom’s heart
Pregnancy makes the cardiovascular system work harder, but breastfeeding may help restore a woman’s physiological systems to their pre-pregnancy state. Learn more.
I love you, man: ‘Bromances’ may be good for men’s health 
I love you, man: ‘Bromances’ may be good for men’s health
A new study finds that male friendships help when dealing with stress.