Take a break for a more productive day  Featured
Take a break for a more productive day
Improve your focus with these three tips.
Should you get a second opinion? 
Should you get a second opinion?
A surgeon explains how those diagnosed with breast cancer can learn more about treatment options.
Get relief from fall allergies 
Get relief from fall allergies
Autumn means outdoor fun, leaves changing and ragweed, but it doesn’t mean you have to have watery eyes and a stuffy nose.
Driving under the influence of drugs on the rise 
Driving under the influence of drugs on the rise
A new report says more needs to be done to prevent fatalities on the road.
Are trendy man buns causing acute baldness? 
Are trendy man buns causing acute baldness?
Dermatologists are treating guys for traction alopecia more than ever before.
Most women aren’t receiving genetic counseling after BRCA testing 
Most women aren’t receiving genetic counseling after BRCA testing
It can be difficult for individuals to understand their results and options. Learn more.
Inverted yoga poses are good for mind and body  Featured
Inverted yoga poses are good for mind and body
Here are a few health benefits that come from standing on your head.