Reduce muscle soreness with a foam roller  Featured
Reduce muscle soreness with a foam roller
A personal trainer demonstrates how to give your body a mini-massage.
Prevent hair sweat after a workout? 
Prevent hair sweat after a workout?
Some physicians are skeptical of the “Blowtox” fad that is catching on among female fitness fanatics.
Diabetes epidemic sweeping through the U.S. 
Diabetes epidemic sweeping through the U.S.
33 percent of Americans are unaware they have the disease.
My first mammogram 
My first mammogram
Follow me through the process as I underwent this examination for the first time.
Does marijuana change the brain? 
Does marijuana change the brain?
Researchers believe people who choose to use this drug may already have smaller regions in parts of this vital organ.
How excessive TV watching affects young adults 
How excessive TV watching affects young adults
A new study finds that more time spent watching television, the more likely this group will be overweight later on.
Why you should volunteer 
Why you should volunteer
Today is National Day of Service and Remembrance. Learn more about getting involved.