Patients benefit from online surgery prep 
Patients benefit from online surgery prep
Tech savvy surgeons are using multimedia to educate their patients prior to surgery.
One protein could be crucial in treating breast cancer 
One protein could be crucial in treating breast cancer
Researchers may have found a drug that could keep the disease from spreading.
Sharing exercise goals on Facebook not the best motivator 
Sharing exercise goals on Facebook not the best motivator
People who post fitness updates are less likely to meet their targets, says a study.
How my job led to crucial lifestyle changes  Featured
How my job led to crucial lifestyle changes
A stroke coordinator shares tips that she incorporates into her daily life.
Can bad weather affect your overall health? 
Can bad weather affect your overall health?
Four ailments have been tied to what’s happening outdoors.
Trans fat is getting the boot 
Trans fat is getting the boot
The FDA has ordered all food manufacturers to kick hydrogenated oils to the curb by 2018.
New research in thyroid cancer could save lives 
New research in thyroid cancer could save lives
Counting the number of lymph nodes in young patients could be key for treatment.