Practice could be more dangerous than the game 
Practice could be more dangerous than the game
Most concussion injuries don’t happen during games, according to a new report.
Infographic: Be wary of pesticides on fruits and veggies  Featured
Infographic: Be wary of pesticides on fruits and veggies
Find out which popular items made the “Dirty Dozen” list.
Text your pain away? 
Text your pain away?
Researchers find that messaging strangers may reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during surgery.
Do you need an annual physical? 
Do you need an annual physical?
Here are three reasons why you should get your yearly check-up.
A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030? 
A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030?
New research finds that diagnoses could rise, but experts say there is some good news.
Weight Watchers chef shares his personal story of weight loss  Featured
Weight Watchers chef shares his personal story of weight loss
Ryan Hutmacher offers advice on how to get lean and fit.
Breastfeeding myths busted 
Breastfeeding myths busted
An expert reveals the truth behind common misconceptions.