Weight Watchers chef shares his personal story of weight loss  Featured
Weight Watchers chef shares his personal story of weight loss
Ryan Hutmacher offers advice on how to get lean and fit.
Breastfeeding myths busted 
Breastfeeding myths busted
An expert reveals the truth behind common misconceptions.
Being a night owl can be bad for your health  Featured
Being a night owl can be bad for your health
A new study says late bedtimes can wreak havoc on your system.
Delaying childbirth may help you live longer 
Delaying childbirth may help you live longer
A study finds that women who have a child after 33 double their chances for longevity.
8 menopause myths debunked  Featured
8 menopause myths debunked
The truth about ‘the change,’ according to health experts.
How long should you wait before having another child? 
How long should you wait before having another child?
An 18-month gap may be best for mom and baby, says a new study.
What pregnant women should know about listeria 
What pregnant women should know about listeria
Expectant moms are more likely to get sick from this bacteria, which has shown up recently in ice cream.