My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen 
My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen
Why this little white pill is my daily reminder of how quickly your life can change.
Hip hop takes on mental health 
Hip hop takes on mental health
A new program hopes to raise awareness and reduce stigma of behavioral health issues through hip hop music.
Fatty foods linked to daytime sluggishness 
Fatty foods linked to daytime sluggishness
Those daytime yawns and droopy eyelids may be tied to poor food choices.
Infographic: Snapshot of diabetes in the U.S.  Featured
Infographic: Snapshot of diabetes in the U.S.
Take a look at the stats for diabetes across America.
What to do when a wound won’t heal 
What to do when a wound won’t heal
Severe wounds, like burns and ulcers, may require advanced care to help speed up the healing process.
Why you should talk about your genes 
Why you should talk about your genes
Learn about a new method that helps women start a conversation with relatives on family health history.
Craving a soda? What to drink instead 
Craving a soda? What to drink instead
The nation’s first soda tax was recently passed. Check out these healthy substitutes to satisfy cravings for the sugary fizzes.