Men and women react different to mental stress 
Men and women react different to mental stress
Women have more decreased blood flow to the heart when they are under pressure. Get the details.
Combatting hospital infections 
Combatting hospital infections
During International Infection Prevention Week, all are being urged to take a sensible approach to manage their own health care.
Is medical marijuana an alternative?  Featured
Is medical marijuana an alternative?
For some patients, doctor-prescribed painkillers may simply lead to more pain. Learn more.
In my chemo shoes, I am indestructible 
In my chemo shoes, I am indestructible
Here’s a glimpse into my first chemo treatment and how a special gift from a friend helped me get through it.
Breast cancer patients getting too little exercise 
Breast cancer patients getting too little exercise
Exercise may boost survival odds, but most women are not active enough, experts say.
Best ways to protect your vision  Featured
Best ways to protect your vision
Eye injuries happen more often than we think and can be prevented by taking the proper precautions.
“Find joy in every day” 
“Find joy in every day”
Meet Tina, a breast cancer survivor, determined to enjoy every minute of every day.