Staying active after 65 decreases heart attack risk 
Staying active after 65 decreases heart attack risk
Regular exercise such as walking for seniors plays a critical role in improving overall heart health.
5 tips to keep your heart healthy 
5 tips to keep your heart healthy
Get your heart health on the right track with these simple tips.
Can fasting reduce your chance of diabetes? 
Can fasting reduce your chance of diabetes?
According to new research, periodic fasts may stave off—and even reverse—prediabetic condition.
Are shin splints cause for concern?  Featured
Are shin splints cause for concern?
Find out how to ease the pain and when to seek medical treatment for this common injury.
Using words to heal 
Using words to heal
An expert explains the value of how we speak and how it affects us on a deep, emotional level.
Oatmeal wins hands down for best breakfast 
Oatmeal wins hands down for best breakfast
Study finds that eating oatmeal at the start of your day can keep you feeling fuller longer.
Are selfies leading to cosmetic surgery? 
Are selfies leading to cosmetic surgery?
New research finds that the selfie craze may be increasing the chances of people getting facial cosmetic surgery.