White light helping Alzheimer’s patients 
White light helping Alzheimer’s patients
Find out how tailored light treatments can help improve sleep and ease depression symptoms.
Is your daily coffee fix beneficial for your health?  Featured
Is your daily coffee fix beneficial for your health?
A recent study finds that drinking at least one cup of coffee a day may lower your risk of liver cancer.
Routine colonoscopy finds and stops life-threatening tumor 
Routine colonoscopy finds and stops life-threatening tumor
Read how Bella Perlman is embracing life after her surgery.
Sabotaging your weight loss 
Sabotaging your weight loss
Although I took a turn on my journey, staying focused led me back on track.
Is your workout too wimpy? 
Is your workout too wimpy?
Studies show that people may be underestimating how much exercise leads to health benefits.
Green Cart program could remedy urban food deserts 
Green Cart program could remedy urban food deserts
The NYC Green Cart initiative to bring fresh food to lower-income neighborhoods may be a model for other cities.
AMA wants tougher rules on e-cigarettes 
AMA wants tougher rules on e-cigarettes
The American Medical Association says the government needs to do more to curb use among minors.