Preparing for daylight savings time 
Preparing for daylight savings time
Our expert offers tips for adults and children to better prepare your body for the upcoming spring time change.
Are you at risk for deep vein thrombosis?  Featured
Are you at risk for deep vein thrombosis?
Known as the “silent killer,” learn how this potentially life-threatening condition impacts healthy people.
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls 
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls
According to a new study, girls are maturing faster than ever before—and weight may be a key factor.
Famous actor joins fight against Type 2 diabetes 
Famous actor joins fight against Type 2 diabetes
After a recent diagnosis, Tom Hanks is using his celebrity status to help raise awareness of the disease.
Can pasta make you depressed? 
Can pasta make you depressed?
Eating a big bowl of pasta may put a big smile on your face, but a new study says that joy may be short-lived. Find out why.
Migraines vs. headaches  Featured
Migraines vs. headaches
Is your headache actually a migraine? Learn how to spot the difference and what you can do to avoid them.
Tips to avoid the flu 
Tips to avoid the flu
Dr. Campbell-Yesufu offers up helpful advice on how you and your family can avoid getting the flu this season.