My feelings don’t consume me 
My feelings don’t consume me
Everyone’s journey with cancer is different—and that’s okay! How I learned not to let my feelings take over.
Duo 110 pound loss, pair ready for Chicago Marathon 
Duo 110 pound loss, pair ready for Chicago Marathon
Inspirations to their families and co-workers, Mabel Smith and Tim Warren are embracing their journey to good health.
Should doctors focus more on preventing heart disease? 
Should doctors focus more on preventing heart disease?
Find out why the American Heart Association is urging physicians to take a more proactive approach to this deadly disease.
Health risks of dense breast tissue 
Health risks of dense breast tissue
Experts say dense breast tissue can hide abnormalities. Here’s what you need to know.
Smokers to benefit from government decision  Featured
Smokers to benefit from government decision
Current or former smokers worried about lung cancer may soon have easier access to a low-dose CT scan for screening.
New one-day treatment for breast cancer  Featured
New one-day treatment for breast cancer
A new clinical protocol gives patients in early stages of breast cancer faster healing options.
How women can walk away breast cancer risks 
How women can walk away breast cancer risks
The benefits of regular exercise are many and now researchers say it could even lower the chances of getting this common cancer.