Making a difference in the fight against diabetes  Featured
Making a difference in the fight against diabetes
Tens of thousands of people committed to finding a cure for diabetes will be riding in the upcoming Tour de Cure cycling event. Here’s one woman’s special story.
Act FAST: Know the signs of stroke 
Act FAST: Know the signs of stroke
Learn what you can do if you or a loved one has a stroke.
Give nutrition labels a proper read to boost your health, expert says  Featured
Give nutrition labels a proper read to boost your health, expert says
Healthy eating requires a closer look at the ingredients list on your food. A nutrition expert shares tips on how to navigate food labels when grocery shopping.
Why osteoporosis in women is higher than in men 
Why osteoporosis in women is higher than in men
Experts say that just being a woman automatically raises the risk for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens your bones. Learn why.
Antibiotic America: The dangers of overuse  Featured
Antibiotic America: The dangers of overuse
You hear about antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” in the news, but what can you do to help prevent antibiotic overuse and the spread of them?
Can lipstick be toxic for your health? 
Can lipstick be toxic for your health?
According to a new report, lipsticks and glosses may contain potentially troubling levels of metals. Here’s what you should know.
Parent juggling act 
Parent juggling act
Work-life balance can be tough for new mothers. Here’s how one mom tries to keep it all together.