Are prenatal vitamins worth it?  Featured
Are prenatal vitamins worth it?
An OB/GYN weighs in on the debate and highlights the importance of one particular supplement.
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist 
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist
A funny smell? Discharge? An OB/GYN answers a few questions you may be too embarrassed to discuss with your doctor.
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary? 
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary?
A government task force says they lack evidence for a recommendation either way, but a physician defends the practice.
What do men really think of your high heels? 
What do men really think of your high heels?
One study reveals the powerful effect of these fashion statements on men’s behavior.
Who’s most at risk for anxiety? 
Who’s most at risk for anxiety?
A global study reveals that women and people under 35 are much more likely to have worries that interfere with day-to-day activities. Learn more.
What parents shouldn’t talk about with their daughters 
What parents shouldn’t talk about with their daughters
Commenting on your child’s weight may have an adverse effect on her self-image later in life.
Mindfulness meditation helps cancer survivors manage symptoms 
Mindfulness meditation helps cancer survivors manage symptoms
How the practice can help overcome fatigue and fear of reoccurrence.