Infographic: Do you have bronchitis or just a cold? 
Infographic: Do you have bronchitis or just a cold?
Sniffling, sneezing and constant coughing are common symptoms during the winter. Find out when it’s time to visit the doctor.
Infographic: 10 home remedies for sore throats 
Infographic: 10 home remedies for sore throats
Here are some natural ways to help soothe your symptoms before heading to the doctor.
Infographic: Heart attack vs. sudden cardiac arrest 
Infographic: Heart attack vs. sudden cardiac arrest
Knowing the difference between a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest can save a life.
Can the Zika virus spread through sexual transmission? 
Can the Zika virus spread through sexual transmission?
The CDC is investigating 14 cases of the virus spreading from male to female through sex. An expert weighs in on the role this is playing in the growing outbreak.
Your social life could help you live longer 
Your social life could help you live longer
A recent study shows that a sense of belonging can impact the longevity of your life.
Drink tea to lower risk of heart disease 
Drink tea to lower risk of heart disease
Research shows tea may protect the heart and help prevent a stroke or heart issues.
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health? 
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health?
A new study suggests a couple drinks per week may help your ticker, but moderation is key.