Your social life could help you live longer 
Your social life could help you live longer
A recent study shows that a sense of belonging can impact the longevity of your life.
Drink tea to lower risk of heart disease 
Drink tea to lower risk of heart disease
Research shows tea may protect the heart and help prevent a stroke or heart issues.
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health? 
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health?
A new study suggests a couple drinks per week may help your ticker, but moderation is key.
Support group empowers women with heart disease  Featured
Support group empowers women with heart disease
A national patient-centered organization offers education and encouragement for heart attack survivors.
Protect your heart while shoveling 
Protect your heart while shoveling
With snow in the forecast, here’s what you need to know to keep safe.
Are you living in a sleep-deprived state? 
Are you living in a sleep-deprived state?
A new CDC report says Americans are getting less than seven hours of shut-eye a night, potentially causing health problems.
What is peripheral vascular disease? 
What is peripheral vascular disease?
A cardiologist discusses risks, symptoms and treatment methods for this condition.