Is coffee flour healthier than your cup of Joe?  Featured
Is coffee flour healthier than your cup of Joe?
A scientist has developed a new form of java that’s full of rich antioxidants.
Can a messy home worsen your diet? 
Can a messy home worsen your diet?
A chaotic environment may encourage you to overindulge in unhealthy foods.
Sleep apnea influences how the brain works 
Sleep apnea influences how the brain works
New research finds that looking at chemicals in the brain could help those who suffer from sleep apnea.
Are concussions linked to an increased suicide risk? 
Are concussions linked to an increased suicide risk?
This common injury may have a connection to a higher rate of suicides, according to a recent study.
A heart attack at age 34  Featured
A heart attack at age 34
When Mary experienced shortness of breath, she had no idea it might be a warning sign of a heart attack.
Lowering systolic blood pressure could save lives 
Lowering systolic blood pressure could save lives
Researchers found that when the top number is less than 120 there is a lower rate of cardiovascular disease.
Online stalking prevalent in teen relationships 
Online stalking prevalent in teen relationships
A new study says teenagers’ social media activity can put them at risk of being in an unhealthy relationship.