How my perception of beauty changed once I had kids 
How my perception of beauty changed once I had kids
My children have taught me that feeling beautiful is about more than what you put on your face or the clothes you wear.
Can an alcoholic drink a day keep the heart doc away? 
Can an alcoholic drink a day keep the heart doc away?
A new study suggests that one adult beverage daily could protect you from heart failure later in life.
6 lifestyle changes to improve women’s health 
6 lifestyle changes to improve women’s health
Try these practices to help prevent heart disease.
Kidney disease linked to heart health problems 
Kidney disease linked to heart health problems
Even a small decline in kidney function can cause subtle changes to the heart, a new study finds.
Proof men feel worse when ill 
Proof men feel worse when ill
Researchers find that estrogen protects women from the most aggressive symptoms of the virus.
How pedometers are helping heart failure patients 
How pedometers are helping heart failure patients
This device can monitor the condition to help prevent declining heart health, a recent study finds.
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice 
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice
Consider this drink to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.