Search Results for: "work"

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Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’ 
Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’
The overuse of antibiotics is creating a potential crisis scientist say. New strains of deadly bacteria are proving difficult, if not impossible, to stop.
Aspirin may be key in fight against melanoma 
Aspirin may be key in fight against melanoma
Studies may show aspirin helps reduce the risk of the deadliest skin cancer, but preventative measures may make the most sense.
New eyewear to detect stroke 
New eyewear to detect stroke
New study suggests that your eyes and a pair of specs are two of the newest weapons in the fight to detect and prevent stroke.
Boost your nutrition IQ 
Boost your nutrition IQ
As National Nutrition Month gets into full swing, we’re taking a closer look at what you can do to make sure you are dining healthy.
Not all diets created equally 
Not all diets created equally
There is no shortage of diets and pills promising weight loss. But the Mediterranean diet is one plan on the market that may actually work.
Bribing Americans to lose weight 
Bribing Americans to lose weight
New study suggests that cold hard cash may be enough to buy a person’s willpower to shed unwanted pounds.
Diabetes costs at all-time high 
Diabetes costs at all-time high
The price tag of caring for patients with diabetes is at $245 billion and rising with more U.S. adults and children diagnosed with the disease every year.