Search Results for: "development"

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6 secrets to a younger brain  Featured
6 secrets to a younger brain
Just because you’re aging doesn’t mean your mind has to.
A prescription for play? 
A prescription for play?
Why the American Academy of Pediatrics is urging physicians to recommend more fun for kids.
Running for more birthdays 
Running for more birthdays
Bad day at work? Go for a run. Kids being crabby? Go for a run. Learn your child has an incurable genetic disorder? You have permission to cry and breakdown, then pick yourself up and go for a run, says this mom and soon-to-be-marathoner.
Does your child play sports? Read this 
Does your child play sports? Read this
A pediatric sports medicine physician weighs in on a dangerous risk.
Is Alzheimer’s disease avoidable?  Featured
Is Alzheimer’s disease avoidable?
Nearly six million Americans are living with the devastating disease.
A new way to treat the leading cause of vision loss? 
A new way to treat the leading cause of vision loss?
Macular degeneration affects more than 10 million Americans.
What women need to know about new cancer screening guidelines  Featured
What women need to know about new cancer screening guidelines
Cervical cancer was once the most common cause of cancer death for American women. Now, there’s a new option for detecting it.