Search Results for: "development"

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Scientists find a bacteria immune to antibiotics 
Scientists find a bacteria immune to antibiotics
Colistin, found in meat in China, could be a concern when it comes to curing common infections.
4 ways to reduce the risk of premature birth 
4 ways to reduce the risk of premature birth
With one in 10 babies born too soon, learn what expectant moms can do to decrease their risk.
What you should know about antibiotic resistance  Featured
What you should know about antibiotic resistance
“Get Smart About Antibiotics Week” is raising awareness on the proper use of antibiotics.
Help children learn to be generous 
Help children learn to be generous
While a recent study finds religion makes kids less generous, here are a few ideas for teaching kids to serve others during the holiday season.
Pets may decrease asthma risk in kids 
Pets may decrease asthma risk in kids
Having a dog or farm animal may offer long-term respiratory health benefits.
Is it possible to be overweight and malnourished? 
Is it possible to be overweight and malnourished?
Consuming excessive calories yet not receiving adequate nutrition is more common than one might think.
‘Sesame Street’ introduces its first Muppet with autism 
‘Sesame Street’ introduces its first Muppet with autism
Meet Julia. A character created to spread awareness about the disorder.