Search Results for: "development"

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Child with half a beating heart still ‘full of life’  Featured
Child with half a beating heart still ‘full of life’
Find out how much completing a term of preschool means to the mother of a child born with a severe congenital heart defect.
Healthy lifestyle may offer a second chance 
Healthy lifestyle may offer a second chance
Embracing a healthy way of life could help you beat coronary artery disease.
Understanding the genetic risk of cancer  Featured
Understanding the genetic risk of cancer
Read how one man took advantage of genetic testing to greatly lessen his chances of developing colon cancer.
Better motor skills translate to better grades 
Better motor skills translate to better grades
A new study explains how certain types of physical exercise can help improve academic performance.
Illinois babies being tested for new disorder 
Illinois babies being tested for new disorder
The Illinois Department of Public Health will now join other states in screening newborns for a rare blood disease.
Capturing the ‘King’ may be good for the brain 
Capturing the ‘King’ may be good for the brain
Playing chess can lift IQ levels, improve reading skills, enhance memory and stave off dementia, experts say.
Early exposure to germs may reduce allergy, asthma risk later 
Early exposure to germs may reduce allergy, asthma risk later
One new study says parents may be taking too many precautions in cleaning for a new baby.