Search Results for: "development"

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HIV/AIDS: Remembering the fight  Featured
HIV/AIDS: Remembering the fight
December 1, marks the 25th anniversary of World AIDS Day. Two doctors on the front lines in those early years share their experiences.
Can exercise during pregnancy make your baby smarter? 
Can exercise during pregnancy make your baby smarter?
A new study says moms-to-be who regularly exercise may be boosting their babies’ brain development.
How massage helps babies bond  Featured
How massage helps babies bond
Simple techniques can help soothe infants and deepen connections with caregivers.
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls 
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls
According to a new study, girls are maturing faster than ever before—and weight may be a key factor.
Brisk walking as good as running 
Brisk walking as good as running
Some good news for people who love to walk. It turns out that health benefits are just as great as those you get from running.
Long-term effects of child spankings 
Long-term effects of child spankings
A new study finds that children who are spanked are at greater risk of lingering behavioral and learning problems.
Why some kids at greater risk for anemia 
Why some kids at greater risk for anemia
A new study offers insight on healthy development for kids.