Articles for Tag: "Advocate Christ Medical Center"

Why are yawns contagious? 
Why are yawns contagious?
Experts offer a few theories as to why this phenomenon exists.
Is saying “I do” the key to a healthy life? 
Is saying “I do” the key to a healthy life?
Might a spouse be the cure for these common conditions?
This common beauty ingredient may be detrimental to your health  Featured
This common beauty ingredient may be detrimental to your health
A germ-fighting chemical is being phased out of hospitals but could still be in your products.
Pregnant? This app could save your baby’s life 
Pregnant? This app could save your baby’s life
The Count the Kicks app for moms is not a game – it’s designed to save lives.
Do you have a smartphone addiction? 
Do you have a smartphone addiction?
How can you tell if your gadget has become a problem? Follow these tips to become less dependent on your device.
This common habit may literally be shrinking your brain 
This common habit may literally be shrinking your brain
A popular activity is linked with long-term damage to memory and cognitive function.
What causes 5.8% of deadly cancer worldwide? 
What causes 5.8% of deadly cancer worldwide?
A study concludes at least seven types of cancer can be attributed to this one act.