Articles for Tag: "Advocate Condell Medical Center"
These foods might look good, but eating them can stir your appetite. Find out which foods are satiation saboteurs.
Did you know the physical demands placed on a dancer’s body makes them just as susceptible to injury as any athlete? A specialist offers tips.
Nearly a quarter million monthly Google searches are for superfoods. An expert shares healthy recipes for your diet.
It affects about 1 million Americans, more than multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and Lou Gehrig’s disease combined.
“If we would stop prescribing opioids as if they were just Tylenol we wouldn’t have as many children dying,” an expert says.
An OB/GYN shares the truth behind four miscarriage myths and what factors are within a woman’s control.
With the fun holiday comes lots of sweets that can take a toll on your waistline. Experts offer advice to limit your intake.