Articles for Tag: "Advocate Health Care"

Prevent diabetes with the Mediterranean diet 
Prevent diabetes with the Mediterranean diet
New research finds that reducing your chance for diabetes could be as simple as following this trendy diet.
Americans eating habits tanked in 2013 
Americans eating habits tanked in 2013
A new Gallup poll shows most Americans didn’t stick with their resolutions to eat healthier in 2013.
Sleep speeds concussion recovery in kids 
Sleep speeds concussion recovery in kids
New research shows rest can dramatically help child athletes who suffer a blow to the head.
Can drinking alcohol rot your DNA? 
Can drinking alcohol rot your DNA?
A new study finds that even moderate alcohol consumption may cause DNA damage, especially among young adults.
Elective early childbirth may increase risk of complications 
Elective early childbirth may increase risk of complications
Experts are warning women who want to deliver their baby early, without a medical reason, to think again.
Dangers of second-hand smoke for asthmatic kids 
Dangers of second-hand smoke for asthmatic kids
Study shows children hospitalized with asthma attacks are much more likely to have been exposed to second-hand smoke than parents may think.
Resolutions can take three months to stick 
Resolutions can take three months to stick
Experts say making new habits and sticking to them could take longer than you think.