Articles for Tag: "Advocate Health Care"

Bad night’s sleep? Blame it on the moon 
Bad night’s sleep? Blame it on the moon
Swedish researchers say the moon’s cycle may actually be disrupting your sleep. Find out why.
Medic alert IDs still saving millions of lives  Featured
Medic alert IDs still saving millions of lives
Medic alert IDs have been around a long time and they still can mean the difference between life and death.
Why the Duchess’ natural birth has women talking 
Why the Duchess’ natural birth has women talking
Kate Middleton’s 11-hour labor has the world asking should moms go au natural or use pain relievers when giving birth?
Rookie doc helps save boy buried alive  Featured
Rookie doc helps save boy buried alive
When Dr. Justin Hepker reported as a new ER physician in Michigan City, little did he know he’d soon make national news.
Are carbs essential for a healthy diet? 
Are carbs essential for a healthy diet?
Experts share why carbohydrates are key to keeping your heart and brain healthy.
What to ask your doctor before taking dietary supplements 
What to ask your doctor before taking dietary supplements
Nearly half of all Americans take dietary supplements. Do you know the risks?
Can caffeine really cut the risk of suicide? 
Can caffeine really cut the risk of suicide?
New research shows two to four cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of suicide risk by half.