Articles for Tag: "Advocate Health Care"
A new study says that for seniors with skin cancer, surgery may not be the best option.
Doctors say parents play a critical role in helping their children maintain a healthy weight. Dr. Jennifer DeBruler cautions against “too much and too little”— too much junk food and too little exercise.
According to new research, your weight and the amount of alcohol you consume may increase your chances of developing chronic liver disease or even liver cancer.
A new study finds that people who only drink one 12-ounce sugary drink a day are at an increased risk for developing diabetes.
Danish researchers say they may be “months away” from HIV cure.
New research shows if people really knew how much walking is required to burn off calories, they would likely make healthier meal choices.
From grade schoolers to seniors, smiles are an expression of happiness and confidence. Read how one mobile dentistry program is delivering much needed dental care across Chicago.