Articles for Tag: "Advocate Health Care"
There are many different diets out there to choose from, but researchers just made it a little easier to select the best one for your ticker.
Doctors say it’s important not to ignore certain sharp pains in your hip. Find out which often misdiagnosed condition could be to blame.
In light of the recent health scare in Tulsa, Okla., we take a closer look at how dental offices are regulated in Illinois.
Stressful, traumatic events can lead to stillbirth, new research says. Learn which stressful events are the most common and how they affect pregnancy.
Teenagers live in fear of puberty, which can mean breakouts and acne. A top dermatologist dispels 3 myths about what really causes acne and how to treat it.
Advocate Health Care Hospice chaplain, Saul Ebema, reflects on his role—helping provide spiritual guidance and support to patients facing end of life.
A new study shows that kids drinking skim milk have a higher rate of obesity than those that drink 2% or whole milk.