Articles for Tag: "Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center"

How often should you get an eye exam? 
How often should you get an eye exam?
Hint: The answer changes as you age.
Does a pap smear hurt? Does the HPV vaccine really work? 
Does a pap smear hurt? Does the HPV vaccine really work?
Your questions answered.
Ever get a pain in your neck? 
Ever get a pain in your neck?
You’ve likely experienced it at some point. Six tips for a crick-free life.
What women should know about low-dose aspirin 
What women should know about low-dose aspirin
Here’s what a doctor and national task force say.
Read this before applying that cream 
Read this before applying that cream
New research suggests certain topical creams may not be effective. What you should know.
3 things to know about weight-loss surgery  Featured
3 things to know about weight-loss surgery
One doctor weighs in on the importance of seeking help early.
Having trouble remembering things? Give this easy solution a shot 
Having trouble remembering things? Give this easy solution a shot
Can’t remember a name you’ve just been told? We’ve all been there.