Articles for Tag: "Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center"

How many bugs are living in your home? 
How many bugs are living in your home?
A new study examines dust samples from homes across the U.S. The findings may have you reaching for bug spray.
Think gluten is to blame for your upset stomach? Think again 
Think gluten is to blame for your upset stomach? Think again
A carbohydrate may actually be the cause of your digestive problems. Find out how the FODMAPs diet can help.
New study sheds light on leading predictors of death 
New study sheds light on leading predictors of death
Nearly 800 men were analyzed at age 54 and followed over the next 45 years. Find out what signals a possible early demise.
Not getting enough sleep? This is how many extra calories you may be eating 
Not getting enough sleep? This is how many extra calories you may be eating
While it’s not too surprising that people eat more when they are tired, you may be shocked when you find out how much more.
How the color of your tongue could indicate a health issue 
How the color of your tongue could indicate a health issue
Have you checked your tongue lately? An expert shares three signs that could indicate a health problem.
Should all women be tested for BRCA mutations? 
Should all women be tested for BRCA mutations?
Researchers say it’s only necessary for certain populations or those with a specific health history.
Helping women kick cancer’s butt  Featured
Helping women kick cancer’s butt
After a special gift from a friend helped her through cancer treatment, Lauren Truelock wanted to give back.