Articles for Tag: "Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center"

Sexuality after cancer 
Sexuality after cancer
7 out of 10 breast cancer survivors struggle with issues related to their sexual health two years after diagnosis. An expert offers advice for women.
Could your bed be making you sick? 
Could your bed be making you sick?
Dust mites, bacteria and feces may all be making themselves at home in your bed and negatively affecting your health.
Did you know there’s a whole day set aside to celebrate food?  Featured
Did you know there’s a whole day set aside to celebrate food?
Healthy eating is good for both you and the environment. A dietitian offers advice on how to eat healthy on a budget.
Healing from breast cancer with blue, spiky heels 
Healing from breast cancer with blue, spiky heels
After being diagnosed at 26, Lauren Wakefield is inspiring other women through Healing Heels.
Looking to strengthen your relationship? This may be the answer 
Looking to strengthen your relationship? This may be the answer
Just like shared friends bring couples closer, so can this mutual interest.
Everything you need to know about breast reconstruction surgery  Featured
Everything you need to know about breast reconstruction surgery
What are your options? Are implants safe? An expert answers common questions.
Gluten-free diet myths debunked 
Gluten-free diet myths debunked
While you may not be gluten-free, you likely know someone who is. A dietitian shares some common misconceptions.