Articles for Tag: "Advocate South Suburban Hospital"

Don’t ignore whiplash 
Don’t ignore whiplash
Get the details on this common ailment many don’t acknowledge.
Diabetes and vision loss  Featured
Diabetes and vision loss
Find out why regular eye exams are a must for those with diabetes.
Best ways to protect your vision  Featured
Best ways to protect your vision
Eye injuries happen more often than we think and can be prevented by taking the proper precautions.
Can exercise help reduce risk of breast cancer? 
Can exercise help reduce risk of breast cancer?
Researchers say, “Yes.” See how keeping fit can have even more benefits.
Infographic: Breastfeeding benefits  Featured
Infographic: Breastfeeding benefits
A lactation consultant shares the top five benefits of breastfeeding.
Burned or not, you’re still at risk 
Burned or not, you’re still at risk
Experts warn that we still need to be on alert that sunburned or not we still have risks for skin cancer.
West Nile may be close to home 
West Nile may be close to home
The virus carried by mosquitos and dead birds has been reported in the Chicago region.