Articles for Tag: "alcohol"

Can you prevent a hangover?  Featured
Can you prevent a hangover?
Researchers take a look at what college students say are some popular remedies for relief.
Can a teen’s clothing reveal if they drink? 
Can a teen’s clothing reveal if they drink?
A study reveals an association between alcohol merchandise ownership and consumption.
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed 
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed
Researchers say that nearly 20 percent of Americans drink to help doze off. Learn why it’s not a good idea.
Marijuana use may cause alcohol dependency 
Marijuana use may cause alcohol dependency
Study shows that cannabis users are five times more likely to develop an alcohol addiction than those who do not smoke.
Cannabis and alcohol use go hand in hand 
Cannabis and alcohol use go hand in hand
A new study reveals a troubling link between marijuana use and alcohol consumption.
Eating chocolate may boost your brain power 
Eating chocolate may boost your brain power
A new study suggests that this sweet treat may improve cognitive function. But experts caution not to overdo it.
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health? 
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health?
A new study suggests a couple drinks per week may help your ticker, but moderation is key.