Articles for Tag: "breast milk"

What is a breast milk depot?  Featured
What is a breast milk depot?
See how moms have the opportunity to drop off their breast milk at local hospitals to benefit at-risk babies in Illinois.
10 breastfeeding benefits 
10 breastfeeding benefits
Here are some essential healthy tips for moms and babies.
Breast milk banks on the rise 
Breast milk banks on the rise
A safer alternative to online milk-sharing sources, these banks can benefit the most vulnerable infants, experts say.
Musical pacifier helping preemies get home sooner 
Musical pacifier helping preemies get home sooner
New research finds that premature babies may eat sooner on their own hearing the sound of their mother’s voice. Learn more.
Dangers of buying breast milk online 
Dangers of buying breast milk online
As much as 75 percent of breast milk sold on the web is unsanitary. Here is what you need to know.
Hospitals taking big steps to be more ‘Baby Friendly’  Featured
Hospitals taking big steps to be more ‘Baby Friendly’
You may have heard the national stories about hospitals becoming more ‘Baby Friendly,’ but what does that mean? Here’s what you should know.
Breast milk donors give boost to Chicago’s at-risk infants  Featured
Breast milk donors give boost to Chicago’s at-risk infants
Like wet nurses of old, Illinois’ first milk bank provides for babies at risk.