Articles for Tag: "caffeine"

How to maximize your caffeine buzz 
How to maximize your caffeine buzz
Find out why a neuroscientist believes there is a best time of day to drink your coffee.
Caffeine: Does the liver good? 
Caffeine: Does the liver good?
Can caffeine really be good for your liver? A new study reports that your strong cup of coffee may be good for your health.
Is caffeine, alcohol safe during pregnancy? 
Is caffeine, alcohol safe during pregnancy?
A controversial new book challenges some traditional medical advice for moms-to-be. Find out why some physicians disagree.
Caffeinated meds may increase stroke risk 
Caffeinated meds may increase stroke risk
A new study reveals that drinking caffeinated beverages while taking medications containing caffeine could be a dangerous mix for some.
Caffeine consumption may warrant a diagnosis 
Caffeine consumption may warrant a diagnosis
Are you a self-proclaimed caffeine addict? Read the surprising results of new research.
Caffeine: How much is too much? 
Caffeine: How much is too much?
It’s no secret America runs on caffeine. But is there a limit to how much caffeine is safe to consume?
Doctors call for limits on caffeine in energy drinks 
Doctors call for limits on caffeine in energy drinks
Saying energy drinks may threaten the health of young people, a group of doctors and health officials are urging the government to regulate the amount of caffeine they contain.