Articles for Tag: "cancer"

Cancer 101: What you need to know 
Cancer 101: What you need to know
Cancer—one simple, yet scary word to hear regarding your health. Our expert offers a valuable lesson on terms to know.
New treatment for women at higher risk of breast cancer 
New treatment for women at higher risk of breast cancer
Though mammograms are the standard for breast cancer screening, a new tool has emerged to assist in evaluating dense breast tissue.
Men can get breast cancer too  Featured
Men can get breast cancer too
Even though breast cancer in men is rare, they are still at risk. Read one man’s journey with the disease.
What not to say to a cancer patient 
What not to say to a cancer patient
As a patient still undergoing treatment for breast cancer, I can tell you first-hand what you may not want to say.
More black women dying of breast cancer 
More black women dying of breast cancer
Researchers say prevention and early detection are key for avoiding cancer, especially for African American women.
Using the arts to heal cancer patients 
Using the arts to heal cancer patients
Recent research finds that creative arts therapy may reduce anxiety, depression and more in cancer patients.
My feelings don’t consume me 
My feelings don’t consume me
Everyone’s journey with cancer is different—and that’s okay! How I learned not to let my feelings take over.