Articles for Tag: "Chicago"

Is binge-watching hazardous for your health?  Featured
Is binge-watching hazardous for your health?
With increased television time comes a higher risk for numerous physical and mental health problems.
To floss or not to floss? 
To floss or not to floss?
The federal government dropped the recommendation in its latest guidelines, claiming the benefits of flossing have never been proven. Some experts insist that shouldn’t stop you.
Matters of life and death 
Matters of life and death
Nearly 800 men were analyzed at age 54 and followed over the next 45 years. Find out the leading predictors of who died early.
Is detox water healthier than regular water? 
Is detox water healthier than regular water?
A gastroenterologist explains the true health benefits of this new trend.
Trying to lose weight? Plan ahead 
Trying to lose weight? Plan ahead
New research finds ordering your meals in advance could help you consume fewer calories.
What’s been living in your bed? 
What’s been living in your bed?
Dust mites, bacteria, fungus and feces may be your cuddle buddies.
Why American parents have the biggest “happiness gap” 
Why American parents have the biggest “happiness gap”
A psychologist breaks down a study showing U.S. moms and dads are less happy than their childless peers.