Articles for Tag: "Chicago"

‘What she did was done purely out of love’ 
‘What she did was done purely out of love’
An ICU Nurse reunites sisters and sparks her patient’s recovery
Reflecting on 2020 during Black History Month 
Reflecting on 2020 during Black History Month
A pediatrician shares his perspective from Chicago’s South Side.
Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales 
Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales
Mientras EE. UU. continúa su lucha contra el coronavirus, se está difundiendo información errónea sobre cómo tratar esta enfermedad.
Have bad posture? Try this. 
Have bad posture? Try this.
Is it more than not slouching, standing tall and sucking in our stomachs? 
The truth about flossing 
The truth about flossing
Who flosses most frequently? What’s the best technique? And the big question: Are you flossing every day?
3 things that can get better as you age 
3 things that can get better as you age
It’s going to happen. Here are some benefits of getting older.
Having trouble remembering things? Give this easy solution a shot 
Having trouble remembering things? Give this easy solution a shot
Can’t remember a name you’ve just been told? We’ve all been there.