Articles for Tag: "Children"

How young is too young to have a cell phone? 
How young is too young to have a cell phone?
A study found that half of toddlers are using a mobile device every day.
Red Ribbon Week: Talking to your kids about drug abuse 
Red Ribbon Week: Talking to your kids about drug abuse
A psychologist offers tips for parents on how to discuss this important issue.
Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues 
Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues
See why some children are only getting treatment from their pediatrician rather than a psychologist.
Inconsistent work schedules could be hurting kids 
Inconsistent work schedules could be hurting kids
Children are paying the price for their parents’ erratic calendars, research says.
4 back-to-school tips  Featured
4 back-to-school tips
As summer comes to a close, here’s how to get kids ready to start learning again.
What you should know about swimmer’s ear  Featured
What you should know about swimmer’s ear
Find out how this summertime ailment is different than the typical ear infection.
CDC issues warning about dangers of shallow water blackouts  Featured
CDC issues warning about dangers of shallow water blackouts
Swimmers of all skill levels need to be aware of the dangers, experts say.