Articles for Tag: "cholesterol"

Corn oil trumps olive in lowering cholesterol 
Corn oil trumps olive in lowering cholesterol
Find out why researchers say corn oil can help significantly reduce bad cholesterol levels.
Eat Mediterranean: Live longer?  Featured
Eat Mediterranean: Live longer?
Learn how changing your eating habits may improve health later in life.
There’s no such thing as ‘obese and healthy’ 
There’s no such thing as ‘obese and healthy’
A new study dispels the myth that you can be overweight and still fit.
Ban on dangerous trans fats? 
Ban on dangerous trans fats?
Hoping to dramatically reduce the number of heart attacks, the FDA hopes to remove the artery-clogging ingredient from processed foods.
High cholesterol more dangerous for men than women 
High cholesterol more dangerous for men than women
New research shows that middle-aged men with elevated cholesterol levels may be at a higher risk of heart attack.