Articles for Tag: "covid"

“You can’t just unpack that before you leave” 
“You can’t just unpack that before you leave”
From educating the ICU staff to being an ICU nurse, she and her team are supporting patients with everything they’ve got.
Life after getting the COVID-19 vaccine 
Life after getting the COVID-19 vaccine
After getting vaccinated, what’s next?
‘It was never a question of if I would get the vaccine or not’ 
‘It was never a question of if I would get the vaccine or not’
Pregnancy didn’t stand in the way of her being an advocate for change.
La vacuna contra el COVID-19: mitos y realidad 
La vacuna contra el COVID-19: mitos y realidad
Es importante conocer la realidad sobre la vacunación contra el COVID-19.
Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales 
Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales
Mientras EE. UU. continúa su lucha contra el coronavirus, se está difundiendo información errónea sobre cómo tratar esta enfermedad.
“I don’t know what ‘normal’ is anymore, but whatever it is, I want it back” 
“I don’t know what ‘normal’ is anymore, but whatever it is, I want it back”
Life as a father, husband and ICU nurse battling COVID-19 on the front lines.
How dangerous is the COVID-19 variant?  Featured
How dangerous is the COVID-19 variant?
An expert weighs in on the newest COVID strain.