Articles for Tag: "depression"

FDA ruling requires prescription labeling to be more clear 
FDA ruling requires prescription labeling to be more clear
If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, knowing which medications are safe to take can be daunting. Learn more.
5 simple tips to reduce holiday stress 
5 simple tips to reduce holiday stress
Health experts offer advice on how to not let the holidays burn you out. Learn more.
Depression causes two in five to miss work  Featured
Depression causes two in five to miss work
Read more about how the condition affects the workplace.
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens 
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens
Learn how a different type of treatment can improve mental health for kids.
Men and women react different to mental stress 
Men and women react different to mental stress
Women have more decreased blood flow to the heart when they are under pressure. Get the details.
Cancer patients dealing with more than disease 
Cancer patients dealing with more than disease
Many people who are diagnosed with cancer also experience depression and anxiety, according to new research.
Multitasking may be changing your brain 
Multitasking may be changing your brain
When it comes to the amount of time we spend looking at multiple screens, less may be more.