Articles for Tag: "depression"

Young dads at risk for postpartum depression 
Young dads at risk for postpartum depression
According to a new study, more fathers are affected by postpartum depression than originally thought.
Depression may increase heart failure risk 
Depression may increase heart failure risk
A new study finds that people with depression have a significantly higher chance for cardiovascular problems.
The surprising connection between dental and mental health 
The surprising connection between dental and mental health
Learn more about the link between tooth loss, depression and anxiety.
Texting program may help at-risk teen girls 
Texting program may help at-risk teen girls
A new study finds that text messaging could help prevent peer violence and be used as an intervention tool.
Is there such a thing as too much healthy eating?  Featured
Is there such a thing as too much healthy eating?
For those with orthorexia, eating too much of a good thing can actually be detrimental to health.
How pets can boost owner’s health  Featured
How pets can boost owner’s health
Find out why our experts say your dogs and cats can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Unemployment speeds up aging in men 
Unemployment speeds up aging in men
Long-term stints without a job can lead to serious health problems including faster aging, researchers say.