Articles for Tag: "diabetes"

Is napping making you sick? 
Is napping making you sick?
There may be a connection between longer naps and this chronic condition. Learn more.
Are these popular diet mantras fact or fiction? 
Are these popular diet mantras fact or fiction?
A dietitian weighs in on five common diet myths and offers advice for people trying to lose weight.
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat 
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat
New documents reveal the the Sugar Research Foundation influenced a pivotal study on diet and heart disease.
This healthy habit could help you save up to $2500 a year 
This healthy habit could help you save up to $2500 a year
New research finds that if you want to save money on medical bills, you should start this routine.
Flu shot has added benefits for diabetics 
Flu shot has added benefits for diabetics
Physicians underline the importance of the influenza vaccine and explain some common misconceptions.
5 things you don’t know about tobacco  Featured
5 things you don’t know about tobacco
Did you know smoking can cause your hair to gray prematurely? A community health specialist shares some surprising facts.
Is the key to a healthy diet the type of fat you eat? 
Is the key to a healthy diet the type of fat you eat?
New research reveals different types of fats affect our brain in different ways. A dietitian weighs in on high fat diets.