Articles for Tag: "diabetes"

Diet soda’s hefty toll on your health  Featured
Diet soda’s hefty toll on your health
A recent study suggests the so-called healthy beverages could lead to serious complications.
Can your grandfather’s eating habits affect your likelihood for obesity? 
Can your grandfather’s eating habits affect your likelihood for obesity?
A new study shines a spotlight on men’s health at the time of conception.
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable 
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable
A study finds 10 modifiable risk factors responsible for the majority of strokes, the fifth leading cause of death in the US.
Long work hours linked to life-threatening illnesses 
Long work hours linked to life-threatening illnesses
New research indicates health risks increase dramatically when women work more than 50 hours a week.
Study: People with diabetes can benefit from weight loss surgery 
Study: People with diabetes can benefit from weight loss surgery
New guidelines suggest bariatric surgery can help patients get their blood sugar levels under control.
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice 
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice
Consider this drink to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
How to prevent mindless eating 
How to prevent mindless eating
Eating when you aren’t hungry takes a negative toll on your body, research shows.