Articles for Tag: "diet"

Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice 
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice
Consider this drink to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Weight loss starts with smaller plates 
Weight loss starts with smaller plates
New research suggests that your plate size could help with weight loss.
Rethink that juice cleanse 
Rethink that juice cleanse
A registered dietitian weighs in on this popular diet fad.
Can healthy foods make you overweight? 
Can healthy foods make you overweight?
Recent research suggests that there is such a thing as overeating healthy foods.
Why it’s harder to lose weight today than ever before  Featured
Why it’s harder to lose weight today than ever before
Research says there may be more to blame for Americans’ increasing waistlines than poor diet and lack of exercise.
5 ways to stop mindless eating 
5 ways to stop mindless eating
A study looks at how eating on the go can negatively affect your diet.
How calories and exercise affect weight loss 
How calories and exercise affect weight loss
A report says that a poor diet does not contribute to obesity, but some experts disagree.